Category: Goods security for bicycles

Product security for bicycles


Product security for bicycles and bicycle accessories

Everyone who visits this page knows it:

Saturday, the store is full, business is going well. All customers have arranged to meet again and are coming at the same time.

At the end of the day, a bike is missing, the joy of a good day is clouded and an uneasy feeling adds to the financial loss.

With our merchandise security, we cannot guarantee that no more bikes will be stolen, but we can guarantee that there will be significantly fewer.

With our bike tag, the security label for bicycles, you can easily and safely attach the security to the bicycle.

For test rides, you can remove this with our mobile magnetic remover or you can briefly activate the security device while you push the bike outside.

Secure your range of accessories with adhesive locks or other suitable locks from our range. You can secure clothing and helmets against theft with our light and
small pencil locks without restricting freedom of movement or fitting.

Warensicherung für KleidungDeaktivator_und_Magnetloeser_2
Security for clothing / deactivator for adhesive locks and magnetic releaser embedded in the checkout counter

Simply have your individual offer created using the express form or simply give us a call! Mr. Herrmann or Mr. Hahnhausen will be happy to provide you with an offer for your article surveillance tailored to your needs.

Security of goods, anti-theft protection for bicycles, security of goods for bicycles, protection against theft in bicycle shops, article security for bicycle shops