Recording the number of people in real time - from the building to the desk
The personal desk in the office, a relic of the past?
It is needed no fixed cost analysis to determine that office rents make up a large part of the costs. But why is utilization not analyzed in more detail in hardly any German company?
Corona has profoundly changed the world of work. Over the last year, companies have reported the negative impact of eliminating physical office space: ineffective training, low employee engagement, poor morale.
Employee survey results from companies like Salesforce and Dropbox show that employees miss the office. (Source: VergeSense)
Coworking spaces offer the key to creating a perfect work culture. The dynamic workplace meets the new requirements, brings a competitive advantage and determines the overall success of a company.
Dynamic workplaces only make sense if they are easy to reach.
So how can Eastek's sensors help?
The workplace as a motivator. Not only salary and company car are motivators, a good working environment also enables employees to achieve top performance. Coworking spaces make employees feel at home while meeting teams within short distances.
Research has shown that companies that offer their employees an excellent work environment outperform the Standard and Poor's 500 Exceed 122%. And companies with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable than those with low engagement.(Source: VergeSense)
However, employees should own their workplace Don't search, but find: With the Vemco Cloud solution
Our sensors are small, light and diverse. With a battery life of approximately 4 years, maintenance costs are extremely low. Data transfer via LoRaWan is easy and reliable via our gateways and our own backend.
No larger than a battery, the sensor takes up no space under the desk.
We measure floor utilization with our high-precision 3D sensors from XOVIS
Do you have any questions about the implementation? Do you need data for a tender?
Occupancy, floor utilization, busy display, coworking, coworkingspace,