Live-Besucherzählung im Bergbau Museum Bochum - EastekOnlineshop

Live visitor count in the Bochum Museum Museum

The German Mining Museum in Bochum invests in the safety of visitors

In the years 2022 to 2023, the German Mining Museum in Bochum invested in safety.  By installing more than 100 Xovis sensors For visitor counting, the number of visitors can be displayed in real time for each hall. A maximum permitted number of visitors is set for each hall. If this is exceeded, the visitor count triggers an automatic alarm, which is transmitted as an email, SMS or loudspeaker announcement.

Based on Vemcogroup's high-performance cloud solution, Eastek built the system across interfaces.

Customer counting, visitor counting, Xovis, Vemcount, people counting, frequency measurement

The day:
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